
2015 Senior Luncheon

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The Annual Senior Luncheon took place today.  It was wonderful time had by the seniors of our congregation.  Thank you to Suzanne Mason for organizing this wonderful event.  It was a great success.  Thank to many the volunteers who help prepare, serve and clean-up for the this fun day of Fellowship.  We enjoyed the culinary […]

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November Collection

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In honor of Veteran’s Day, our November Communion Collection will be for The Captain John McKenna Military Courtesy Room, located at the Albany International Airport.  This special room is a “home away from home” as past and present military personnel travel through the airport.

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Mission & Service Book Drive

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The Mission & Service Committee will be collecting children’s literature books for 1st and 2nd grade classrooms.  Books will also be provided to SICM for the food pantry and the summer lunch program.  Books can be placed in the baskets in the narthex and outside the entrance to Fellowship Hall.  The deadline is OCTOBER 31st*.  […]

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New Member Classes

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New membership classes will be starting after church this Sunday, October 25th. Please notify the Ellen or Pastor Paul, if you are interested. Please join us!

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Updated Church By-laws

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“The By-Laws of Niskayuna Reformed Church have not been updated since 1983. Per the By-Laws of NRC: 5.1 All proposed amendments to these By-Laws shall be submitted in writing to the Minister of the Consistory at least one month in advance of a Congregational meeting at which such amendments are to be considered. Notice of […]

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Offering Envelopes

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ATTENTION: There will be a sign-up sheet for envelopes for 2016 in the back of the church. If you DO NOT wish to have envelopes, please indicate that too. Since this is the first time that Ellen has ordered, she is trying to get an accurate count.  You can also email or call the office […]

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Blood Drive

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There will be a blood drive on Friday, November 6th from 1-7p.m. at theNiskayuna Fire Company, 2772 Troy/Schenectady Rd.(Rt. 7).  Walk-ins are welcome, or call 1-800-RED CROSS or visit to schedule an appointment.

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Fire Truck Visit at the Nursery School

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On Friday, October 9th, in between raindrops, the Nursery School enjoyed a visit from the District 2 Firehouse!  A couple of the firemen came dressed in their fire fighting gear and the chief spoke to our 4 year olds about fire safety.  The children were then allowed to climb into the cab of the truck […]

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Sunday Child Care News

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As mentioned before, Rose Alois has accepted the position of Sunday Child Care Provider. Rose is certified by the American Red Cross in Advanced Child Care. Please note that child care is available every Sunday from 9am-11am Parents/Guardians:  Due to various types of SEVERE allergies in the weekly Nursery School, there will be no food allowed or provided in the […]

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Updated Church By-laws

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“The By-Laws of Niskayuna Reformed Church have not been updated since 1983. Per the By-Laws of NRC: 5.1 All proposed amendments to these By-Laws shall be submitted in writing to the Minister of the Consistory at least one month in advance of a Congregational meeting at which such amendments are to be considered. Notice of […]

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