Pill Bottles/Eyeglasses & Hearing Aids Collections

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Do you have empty pill bottles that you don’t know what to do with??  There is a collection box in the Education Building (next to the eyeglass box) for them.  Your donations will be used to help underserved communities around the world.  Please remove all labels prior to donating.

Tips for Removing Labels

  • Fill bottle up with hot water to cover the back of the label. The hot water will start to melt the glue from the inside. Leave the water for about 10-15 minutes.
  • Make a paste of equal parts baking soda and cooking oil. Smear the paste over the areas that are covered or sticky.
  • Wash with soap and water and you should be good to go!

The Mission and Service Committee continues to collect used eyeglasses and hearing aids for the Lions Club International to distribute to those in need. The collection box is located in the Education Building. Please check your homes for glasses or hearing aids no longer needed and bless someone else with the gift of sight or hearing.



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