Angel Tree for NorthernRivers Families

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The Mission & Service and the Sunday school kids are collecting for the Angel Tree, located upstairs in the office area. This tree will be laden with paper angels, each noting a desired “gift.” These gifts will be donated to NorthernRivers to help families during this holiday season.

Gifts should be new and unwrapped and should be left under the tree with the angel attached. If you have a gift card, there is a BLACK lock box located on the wall right near the Angel Tree OR outside the green kitchen doors.  Please make sure to put it a note that it should go towards the Angel Tree since we have a couple of different collections going on at this time.  All donations need to be in by Tuesday, December 12 for delivery before Christmas.  You may drop off your items Monday-Thursday from 9-3 and the doors will be open.


Make a one time or recurring gift to the church through our secure PayPal site.

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