Women’s Retreat Date Drawing Near!

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You are invited to join the next Women’s Retreat on Saturday, March 17, 2018 from 9:30 am until about 2:30 pm in the NRC Fellowship Hall.  We hope you will consider joining us for a thoughtful and inspirational time of fellowship.

The theme of the retreat, The Art of Prayer,  will be based on the book “Help, Thanks, Wow – The Three Essential Prayers” by Anne Lamott.  The committee has planned a very special day that will include time for discussion, two short skits, a little singing, a simple craft, praying (of course!), and will feature a delicious luncheon prepared by our in-house chef, Paul Szakats (!!) and served by a few of our fantastic men.

Advance registration is requested and can be handled by contacting Sharon Jackson (sej832@aol.com) or Sue Felpel (lsfelpel@yahoo.com) or the church office (office@niskayunareformed.org).  There is a small fee of $8.00 to cover the cost of materials and lunch.  Registration is requested by Monday, March 12.

It is not necessary to read Anne Lamott’s book before the retreat, but for those who wish to do so, you can order a copy at https://www.amazon.com/Help-Thanks-Wow-Essential-Prayers/dp/1594631298/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1516992834&sr=8-1   It’s available in hardcover, Kindle edition, or as an audio book.  If you’d like us to order a copy for you, the cost is $12.95, so let us know ASAP if you would prefer this option.


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