Summer Sunday School Continues on July 30

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Week Four of Summer Sunday School will focus on the story of feeding of the 5,000 as told in Mark 6:31-44.

It is hard for us to think about being hungry, but we know that hunger can be found all around us.  1.2 billion people in our world live on less than $1.25 per day and suffer the overwhelming, systemic ills associated with poverty and malnutrition.  Hunger may by physically experienced in this way and can also be an emotional or spiritual reality, the symptom of a craving for connection and wholeness.

The lesson for Sunday, July 30 explores the story of Jesus’ care for the 5000 men, women and children present, who were hungry.  Jesus invested his energy in preaching the gospel but also in providing for the very real needs of those gathered around him.  There are needs expressed all around us, foundational to feelings of hunger.  Taking the implications of this story a bit further, we will reflect together on the needs of people and populations near and far and how our faith community might make a difference.

Students ages 4 through high school are invited to join the summer Sunday School class in Room 103/104 following the Children’s Sermon.


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