Category: Church News

M & SC Committee Volunteer Spotlight

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Kevin Ramsey, a member of the Mission and Service Committee, volunteers weekly in the library at Elmer Avenue School.  He restocks the library books that have been returned by the elementary students.  Kevin’s efforts are greatly appreciated, and help to encourage the students to become lifelong readers.  Thank you Kevin.

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Pastor Jason’s Installation

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Reverend Jason Fulkerson has received and accepted the call to become the Minister of Word and Sacrament at Niskayuna Reformed Church. The Classis of Schenectady will install him as pastor on Sunday, March 13th @ 3pm. Please plan to be present for this joyous and important occasion. A reception will follow after the service.

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Pastor Jason’s Installation

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Reverend Jason Fulkerson has received and accepted the call to become the Minister of Word and Sacrament at Niskayuna Reformed Church. The Classis of Schenectady will install him as pastor on Sunday, March 13th @ 3pm. Please plan to be present for this joyous and important occasion. A reception will follow after the service.  

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MoonCatcher Sewing Bee at NRC

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Your are invited to join the Women’s Fellowship Group for the MoonCatcher Sewing Bee on Tuesday, March 8 from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. Girls in developing countries often drop out of school when they reach puberty because they have no access to feminine hygiene products.  Educating girls is the most effective means […]

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City Mission Dinner

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NRC was responsible for the dinner that was served at Schenectady City Mission on Thursday, February 16th. The diners enjoyed pepperoni soup, chicken tenders, rice, salad and bread. The dessert donations provided by our congregation received a round of applause! Thanks to the following volunteers who set-up, served and cleaned up:  Bob Cantine, Mary Park […]

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Christian Education News

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Communion Workshop Our first Communion Work shop in two years is tentatively planned for April 17th with Sunday school students receiving Communion with their families on Communion Sunday, May 1st. Michele Kopp and Adrean Krieg are facilitating the workshop and making the communion stoles. We expect approximately 9 students to make their Communion this spring! Confirmation  Workshop Series About four students are eligible […]

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Parsonage Sparkles for our new Pastor!

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Many talented and willing hands were busy for the past month cleaning and spiffing up the parsonage for the arrival of our new Pastor on February 6. Thanks go to the painting, staining, “demolition,” fixing, and moving crew:  Ken Scott, Les Perlee, John Lehner, Bob Gardner, Alan Holmes, John DelSignore, Ron Valenti, Peter Ford, Kevin […]

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Pastor Jason and Jennifer Arrive Safely!

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Reverend Jason Fulkerson and his wife, Jennifer moved into their new home in the Parsonage of the Niskayuna Reformed Church on Saturday, February 6!

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Upcoming Changes and Dates to Remember

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The culmination of our activities over the past eighteen months of transition is upon us.  Please be aware of these important dates: Sunday, January 31 is the final service that will be led for us by the Reverend Paul C. Ferenczy, our Specialized Interim Minister since August 2014.  Pastor Paul has led us through what […]

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Pastor Paul’s Farewell

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Join us on January 31 to Bid a Fond Farewell to The Rev. Paul Ferenczy When one door opens, another one will close.  We’ve been privileged to be led for the past 18 or so months by the Rev. Paul Ferenczy.  He’s had an enormous impact on all of us, both personally and as a congregation.  There’s […]

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