Category: Church News

Child Care Worker Needed

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We’ve been very fortunate to have Rose Alois caring for our children during Sunday worship services for the past year. She’ll be going off to college in August and we will be very sad to see her go, but wish her all the best in this next phase of her life. The Personnel Committee is […]

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NRC on Facebook

NRC’s Facebook Page

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We are working on updating our Facebook page. Please check out our site and “LIKE” us!

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Cemetery Help Needed

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Part-time help needed in the cemetery this summer. Please contact the church office or Les Perlee @ 785-3431, if interested.  

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Note from Property Committee

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Take some time to look at the trees and landscaping when your on the Church Campus this week. The trees are beginning to bloom and many of the trees that presented safety issues have been trimmed.   Special thanks goes out to Paul from Capital Forestry for his expertise on trimming our trees. The inside wall […]

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Article on Pastor Jason

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Here is a link to an article written about Pastor Jason and NRC in the Times Union a couple weeks ago.  Hope you enjoy it!

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Betty Burnside

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Here is a note from Betty Burnside’s family: Thank you very much for all the love and support for our mother!  She enjoyed receiving the lilies and Easter basket and was sorry she was in therapy and missed Sue’s visit!  She is doing really well, better every day!

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News Article on Pastor Jason

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Here is a link to an article written about Pastor Jason and NRC in this past Saturday’s Times Union.  Hope you enjoy it!        

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Christian Education News

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Communion Workshop Our first Communion Workshop in two years is planned for Sunday, May 22nd with Sunday school students receiving Communion with their families on Communion Sunday, June 5th. Michele Kopp and Adrean Krieg are facilitating the workshop and making the communion stoles. We expect approximately 9 students to make their Communion this spring! Confirmation  Workshop Series About four students are eligible to […]

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MoonCatcher Sewing Bee Helps Girls Stay in School

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The Women’s Fellowship Group hosted a “MoonCatcher Sewing Bee” from 7 – 9:00 pm on Tuesday, March 8.  Nearly fifty women from around the region, including twelve of our own, attended to work on the various phases of the project which is designed to provide reusable feminine hygiene kits for girls in developing countries, particularly […]

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Christian Education News

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Communion Workshop Our first Communion Workshop in two years is planned for Sunday, May 22nd with Sunday school students receiving Communion with their families on Communion Sunday, June 5th. Michele Kopp and Adrean Krieg are facilitating the workshop and making the communion stoles. We expect approximately 9 students to make their Communion this spring! Confirmation  Workshop Series About four students are eligible to […]

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