Category: Church News

Easter Memorial Plants

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You may place your order for Easter memorial plants by calling Sue Felpel at 518-372-0936, emailing, or in person. The price for lilies $8/azaleas $16.  The last day to place an order is March 18th.  Plants may be claimed anytime after the Easter Sunday Service.  

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Don’t forget

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Daylight Saving Time is this Sunday, March 11th.  Don’t forget to change your clocks!

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Congregational Conversation

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Around three years ago, the congregation of Niskayuna Reformed Church gathered together as part of the pastoral transition process to reflect on three questions: Where have we been? Where are we now? Where does God want us to go? This conversation helped the Pastoral Search Committee in the process of finding a new pastor. That […]

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SICM Spring Bag Project

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SICM Spring Bag Project:  SICM is putting together “Spring Bags” for children whose families use the Emergency Food Pantry.  We are seeking items to fit 8” x 10” bags.  All donations may be placed in the SICM baskets in the narthex & FH.  Suggested items are small games/puzzles, sidewalk chalk, jump ropes, bubbles, coloring books, […]

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Improvements to Education Building

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The painting of the inside of the Education Building has begun.  Classroom 103 is complete.  The remainder of the painting will commence next Monday, February 26th, due to winter break.  As you may have noticed some areas of the entryway have been spackled to prepare for painting.  Additionally, the carpets will be cleaned this weekend […]

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Congregational Conversation

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Around three years ago, the congregation of Niskayuna Reformed Church gathered together as part of the pastoral transition process to reflect on three questions: Where have we been? Where are we now? Where does God want us to go? This conversation helped the Pastoral Search Committee in the process of finding a new pastor. That […]

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Women’s Retreat to Focus on Prayer

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Do you think you’d like to improve your approach to prayer?  Do you feel guilt when you realize that you don’t pray often enough or at all?  How often is enough?  How do you pray?  When do you pray?  What do you pray about?  How do you know if God is listening? The Congregational Care […]

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Pie Sunday

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Last Sunday, we celebrated Pastor Jason’s 2nd Anniversary with us.  We had a wonderful display of pies made with loving hands from our parishioners.  We all love and appreciate Pastor Jason.  Thank you for all you do! Attached are some pictures from Pie Sunday.  Enjoy!

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Thank you!

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Note from Pastor Jason– It is from a grateful heart that I thank the congregation for the gift of monies to purchase a new robe. I am humbled by your generosity. It has been a wonderful first two years, looking forward to many more. I also look forward to showing off a new robe, and […]

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Lenten Devotions

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Lent is a season of preparation for Christ’s death and resurrection. This year,  journey through Lent with a series of devotions written by RCA missionaries. The devotions follow Scripture passages from the Revised Common Lectionary. Sign up by following the link below.    

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