Category: Church News

Fourth Bible Study Session Looks for God in the Workplace

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Join our ongoing Bible Study series, “Seeing God in the Everyday,” on Mondays at 7:00 pm.  Our fourth session will be on Monday, October 26 and will continue for another six weeks through December 7. The Churches Learning Change (CLC) Team (Lizbeth Amorelli, Jason Fulkerson, Jennifer Fulkerson, Trudy Lehner and Suzi O’Brien) are leading the […]

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Consistory Nominations

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Consistory nomination forms are due by November 1st. Please fill out your nomination form and deposit it in the nomination box located in the Church narthex (after church) or return to the church office. Your suggestions must be received no later than November 1, 2020 in order to be considered in preparing a slate of […]

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Census Deadline

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The deadline for census reporting is October 15th. If you haven’t filled out your census report yet, please take the time to do so. Take a look at the fact sheet to see how it impacts communities. Fact_Sheet_for_Civic_Organizations

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Pastor Jason’s Office Hours

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Pastor Jason is in the office on Tuesdays and Thursday from 9am – 2pm. He will work from the parsonage the other days of the week. If you need to reach him, you can email, or call 518-608-1019.

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Women’s Fellowship Group Zoom Meeting

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The Women’s Fellowship Group (WFG) will resume their monthly meetings via Zoom on Wednesday, October 14 at 2:00 pm.  At this first meeting after a summer break, the group will be looking at how to continue their fellowship and service efforts during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Please contact Trudy Lehner for Zoom Login details.  

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Church Engagement Survey

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At the end of June, we distributed a survey to help with our efforts to return to worship in the Sanctuary. As we continue to adapt to our current reality, your input is helpful in how we move forward. Once again, we call upon you, along with grace from the Holy Spirit, to guide us […]

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Pandemic Relief B.S.

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Are you feeling isolated and detached?  Do you need a little help breaking out of your pandemic-induced cocoon? Looking for something besides the usual B.S.? Join a new Bible Study (B.S. … what were YOU thinking?) series, “Seeing God in the Everyday,” on Mondays at 7:00 pm beginning on October 5 and continuing for ten […]

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NRC Women’s Book Group Celebrates 20 Years

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On September 26 the women of the NRC Book Group celebrated 20 years of sharing their love of books with one another.  The group first met on October 7, 2000 and has formed lifelong friendships, supporting one another through life’s difficulties and celebrating the special joys.  Several members remain from among the original group that […]

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2021 Envelopes

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The order for the 2021 envelopes is due October 1st.  Please let the office know if you would like to receive envelopes or if you no longer want to have envelopes.  If you want to keep your envelopes or you didn’t have envelopes last year and there is no change, there is no need to […]

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Messenger Birthday List

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We have some additions to make to the September Messenger birthday list. Please add Scott Haefner on the 28th and Marcia Siver on September 18th.

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