Category: Christian Education

Happy Thanksgiving from our Sunday School

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On November 19 the young people in our Sunday School completed a number of Thanksgiving activities, including painting and decorating a collection of “kindness rocks.”  These bright and cheerful stones have been collected from various locations and are covered with designs, words or phrases meant to cheer up whoever finds them.  “One message at just […]

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Sunday School Children Shine in All Hallow’s Eve Parade

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The children of the NRC Sunday School treated the congregation to a delightful All Hallow’s Eve (aka Halloween) parade during coffee hour on Sunday, October 29.  The costumes were delightful, the treats were plenty, and the Light of Jesus was seen to Shine through all.  Thank you to the teachers for preparing some special lessons […]

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Sunday School News – October 29 Activities

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On Sunday, October 29, Sunday School classes will be learning about All Hallow’s Eve (aka Halloween) and All Saints’ Day.  Children are invited to wear their Halloween costumes to class as we are planning a short Costume Parade through the Coffee Hour after church. Children are asked to head directly to their Sunday School classes at […]

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Bible Study

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We will begin a six-week bible study through the book of Galatians starting on Monday, October 16th at 7pm. We will look at what Paul’s letter to the church in Galatia reveals to us about the issues at this early church. We will also discuss the radical view of God’s grace that is demonstrated by […]

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Welcome Back to Sunday School!

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The Fall Session of Sunday School will begin this Sunday, Homecoming Sunday, September 10.  Students will attend worship with their families until the Junior Sermon, after which they are dismissed to go to the Education Building.  Teachers and Superintendents will be on hand outside of the church to help the children find their classrooms. Our classes […]

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Thank You, Summer Sunday School Teachers

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Many thanks are due to the talented and loving members of our congregation who have led our Summer Sunday School program for the past six weeks:  Trudy Lehner, Suzi O’Brien, Tony Pechulis, Maureen Rizzi, Monica Tryon and Michele Kopp. The Christian Education Committee recognized that many families attend services less regularly during the summer months, […]

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Final Sesssion of Summer Sunday School This Week

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The sixth and final week of Summer Sunday School on August 13 will focus on Balaam and the Lord’s Messenger as told in Numbers 22:22-35. Haven’t we all been in situations when we’ve found ourselves to be blind to what turned out to be right in front of us?  Whether it’s searching for a lost […]

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Summer Sunday School Continues on July 30

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Week Four of Summer Sunday School will focus on the story of feeding of the 5,000 as told in Mark 6:31-44. It is hard for us to think about being hungry, but we know that hunger can be found all around us.  1.2 billion people in our world live on less than $1.25 per day […]

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Summer Sunday School Week #3

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Summer Sunday School 2017 will continue this week with a lesson on Manna and Quail from Exodus 16. We all experience times of wilderness in our lives, chapters of our story when we’re confused, sad, angry and afraid.  These are periods of time when we can feel distant from God and alone in our struggle. […]

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Summer Sunday School Continues on July 16

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Summer Sunday School is underway with the second lesson scheduled for Sunday, July 16.  Following the Junior Sermon, children from age 4 and up will meet as a group in Rooms 103/104 for a lesson about the account of the Parting of the Red Sea from Exodus 14:15-31.  In reflecting on the story of the […]

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