Upcoming Changes and Dates to Remember

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The culmination of our activities over the past eighteen months of transition is upon us.  Please be aware of these important dates:

Sunday, January 31 is the final service that will be led for us by the Reverend Paul C. Ferenczy, our Specialized Interim Minister since August 2014.  Pastor Paul has led us through what could have been a very difficult and trying time with skill, patience, wisdom and love.  He’s brought us together, he’s lifted our spirits, he’s made us better people and a better congregation.  There’s no doubt that God led us to one another and the result has been amazing!  Please be sure to join us on Sunday to share in the service of worship, to be followed by a potluck brunch in his honor.

Saturday, February 6 will be moving day for our new Pastor, the Reverend Jason Fulkerson, and his wife Jennifer.  By then, the Parsonage clean-up and renovations will be completed and all will be ready for their arrival.  Until then, help is still needed with the work, so please check with Ron Ricard or Trudy Lehner to see how you might help get things ready.

Sunday, February 7 is an ‘interim’ Sunday that will be led by the Reverend Norman Tellier.  A time to reflect what’s passed and look forward to our new future.  Please join us in worship and fellowship.

Sunday, February 14 is not only Valentine’s Day, but will also be Pastor Jason’s first official worship service with us.  Please join us to welcome him to the Niskayuna Reformed Church and reassure him that we’re looking forward to working together to do God’s work.  As usual, a coffee hour will follow the service.

On a Sunday afternoon still to be determined, the Schenectady Classis will hold an installation ceremony/service for Rev. Fulkerson at the NRC.  This will be followed by a reception.  More about this important event will follow later.


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